1. There is no proof that Christ was born on December 25th. But the glorious good news is that HE WAS BORN as our Savior, that He came down from heaven to seek and to save the lost (Luke 2:8-12). 2. Another fact is that we can rejoice in Christ on December 25th just the same as on the other 364 days of the year. We do not have to cease to be happy in Jesus on this day! In Phil. 4:4 we read, “Rejoice in the Lord always!” This would include Christmas day the same as all other days in the calendar. 3. Instead of revealing the date of the birth of Christ, God has revealed the day on which He was raised from the dead – the first day of the week (Mk 16:1,9; Luke 24:1-47). God does want Christians to celebrate this day, “the Lord’s Day” (Rev. 1:10; I Cor. 16:2; 11:23-28) when we meet each week to break the bread and drink the cup in memory of sacrificing His body and blood. 4. It is proof of the divinity of Christ to find Him so popular in the world 2,000 years after His birth, whether it knows the date or not. Thank God for sending our Lord Jesus and His miraculous arrival by virgin birth!
