Churches of Christ are committed to following the biblical pattern in all things: doctrine, worship, work, church organization, salvation, zeal and life. Preachers fill the God-ordained role of public proclaimers of the gospel. “Preach the word” (2 Tim 4:2). It is God’s power to save sinners; it is the world’s hope (Rom 1:16, Acts 20:27). They are filled with a passion to carry the truth of a glorified Lord to a perishing world (I Cor 2:2). Soft, compromising preaching produces wavering congregations. The preacher is never called The Pastor, for pastors are elders, shepherds or overseers, another office in the church (Acts 20:28). He is never called Reverend or Father for those titles are reserved for God alone (Mt 23:8-10; Psa 111:9). He is charged to neither add to nor take away from the Scripture message (Rev22:18-19; I Tim 4:1-6; 2 Tim 3:16-17). When the same ‘seed’ is sown as was preached by the apostles, the same church will be the result. Creeds, catechisms, manuals, Koran, disciplines, Book of Mormon, etc, will not produce Christ’s church, His body. Paul urged brethren to pray for him to be “bold” in preaching the pure gospel (Eph 6:19; Acts 4:13,29,31; Eph 4:11-15). Ask for booklet on “Preaching”
