I have found over 50 ways we can be condemned by our tongue (Mt 12:37). Can you send us more in your Bible?
1 Too much talking about what “I think” (Prov 18:2).
2 Our own contradictory words (Prov 18:7).
3 Gossip sinks deep and hurts hearts (Prov 18:8; 25:9).
4 Answering before listening or thinking (Prov 18:3,17).
5 Perverse speech makes a fool (Prov 19:1).
6 Lying and failing to keep promises (Prov 19:9; 20:25).
7 Nagging, brawling wife is like a dripping faucet (Prov 19:3; 25:24).
8 Making fun of wisdom (Prov 19:25).
9 Boasting (bragging) about yourself (Prov 20:1; 27:2; Ja 3:5).
10 Talking when should listen (Prov 20:19).
11 Threatening to pay back evil for evil (Prov 20:22).
12 Complaining; grouchy (Prov 21:9, 19).
13 Speaking evil of one’s own father or mother (Prov 19:26).
14 Praising your own self (Prov 25:27).
15 Giving a foolish answer (Prov 26:4).
16 Belittling your neighbor, saying “I was only joking (Prov 26:18).
17 Flattery and false praise (Prov 26:28).
18 Boasting about what will accomplish tomorrow (Prov 27:1).
19 Boasting about tomorrow, and not saying “If God wills, I will do this or that tomorrow” (Jam 4:15).
20 Slander (Prov 10:18).
21 Cursing and taking God’s name in vain (Ex 20:9; Jam 3:9-10).
22 Euphemisms, words which sound like curse words: Dadgummit, Heck, (Col 4:6).
23 Denying the truth (Mt 26:34: I Tim 2:12).
24 Teaching and preaching false doctrine (2 Pet 2:1).
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