The true doctrine of Jesus was “delivered once for all” in the first century (Jude 3). When scripture was completed by the apostles, it was perfect and was known as Christ’s last will and testament. It was “perfect” and any man who dared to change or add to it was “cursed” (Gal 1:6-10). This testament went into force when Jesus died on the cross (Heb 9:16-17). No man dare delete or add a word after the death of Jesus.
When men add to or change the perfect will of Jesus Christ they cheapen the message and render it of no effect and powerless (Rom 1:16). The Bible only makes Christians only. The Bible plus “another testament” yields a Mormon, not a Christian; plus a catechism yields a Catholic; plus a vision yields a Seventh Day Adventist; plus a manual or a discipline yields a Baptist or an Episcopalian or a Methodist, etc.
Friend, reject these doctrines and commandments of men and follow only the Bible. Come with me and be a Christian only.