To testify: The boy came to his mother with a small splinter in his finger. She worked seriously over the little wound. Why? She said because it may become infected.
It could spread and even cause death.
The mind is like the body. Small wounds can set up infection. Sin is like that. It is poisonous, and unless removed it can cause spiritual death. Sin is to the mind what cancer is to the body. It must be dealt with quickly and decisively.
A doctor sees a lot of people who do not need him. They need someone who can help clear their conscience. No pills, but old fashioned repentance, leading them to forgiveness.
Yes, we need to learn about God’s offer of forgiveness. And we need to learn to forgive others, as well as forgive ourselves.
Is there sin in your life? Run to the Father, obey Him and then forgive yourself. Psalm 51 is David’s prayer of penitence. His sin grieved him. He asked for mercy and cleansing, for a clean heart and restoration of joy in forgiveness. It worked for David (Psa 32:5). Brother or sister, don’t be ashamed to face God. He is ready and anxious to forgive. Christian: repent and pray today.
If you are not a Christian, believe in Jesus today, “repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins” (Mk 16:15-16; Acts 2:37-42).
