Little Things
Someone wrote us about trivial “piddly” matters.
1. Which fruit to avoid eating in the Garden of Eden? Satan called it a piddly matter. (Gen. 3:1-21)
2. Which kind of wood for the ark? Noah obeyed, considering it not a piddly matter. (Gen 6:13-22)
3. Which fire for sacrifice? Priests Nadab and Abihu thought the specified place to get fire was a piddly matter. God struck them dead. (Lev 10:1-7)
4. Which method of moving the sacred ark of God? A piddly question? God killed Uzzah for not obeying exactly. (I Chron 13:9-14)
5. Which way to get water? Moses assumed whether to speak or to smite the rock with his rod would be a piddly difference. After 40 years faithful leadership, he was punished severely for disobedience. (Num 20:10-12)
6. Which way to be baptized? Is it piddly whether to sprinkle a baby or to immerse an adult believer for salvation? (Mk 16:16; Rom 6:3-4; Col 2:12)
7. Which way should a Christian woman live? Is it piddly whether she remain with her husband? (I Cor 7:10)
8. How much money from property sale? Was the answer of Ananias and Sapphira piddly? (Acts 7:1-11).
9. Which way Christians worship? To sing or to play on a guitar, clap or dance? Is this piddly? (Col 3:16; Eph 5:19; Jn 4:24).
10. Which day to assemble and partake of the Lord’s Supper? Is it piddly whether on the first day of the week or any other day? (Acts 20:7; I Cor 11:23-29).
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