A reader asks: “What is BSF?” BSF stands for Bible Study Fellowship, an interdenominational Bible study organization founded in 1959 in association with Billy Graham Crusades. It is “highly organized and disciplined” with headquarters in San Antonio, Texas. The annual budget is $22+ million. It is increasingly popular among those who have an interdenominational concept

Absolute Authority

Authority has always rested with God and never with men. The prophets, apostles and other Bible spokesmen miraculously guided by God were simply spokesmen. God’s word has always been the final authority. The Bible is our guide, our only guide. Let us have a ‘thus saith the Lord’ for all that we do in our


“It is wrong, but is it a salvation issue!” What about failure to pray regularly (I Thes 5:17), or to contribute to the church each Sunday (I Cor 16:1-2), or to attend the Christian assembly on the Lord’s day (Heb 10:25), or to add mechanical music or rhythmic clapping to singing praises (Eph 5:19)? Is


God’s power works through man to do His work “Moses stretched out his hand over the sea … the sea became dry land and the waters were divided” (Ex 14:21). Man can become the tool of God to accomplish His purpose. “It is God which works in you” (Phil 2:13). He sent forth the gospel to


“Practice What You Preach,” they say, meaning we should do as we teach to others. One young preacher in his new ministry feared he would be run out of town. His older friend said: “Don’t let that bother you. Abraham Lincoln said he would not like it either, but for the honor of it!” The


Paul wrote a letter that caused sorrow, but he said he did not regret what he had done. “I do not regret it … I see that my letter hurt you, but only for a little while. Yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to


Look at all the Bible says on the ABC’s of today’s religions. As we look at the Bible description of the church Jesus built, it’s worship, etc., we are amazed at its simplicity as compared to churches of today. We are warned to “not go beyond what is written” (I Cor 4:6; Mt 15:3-9) and


The diagram you see here shows prepositions in Greek, the original language of the New Testament, inspired by the Holy Spirit of God (2 Tim 3:16). The correct word was always used in the original language. Prepositions are “words governing entrance into or directions and limits” (Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon). Some do not know the truth


Man’s law approves homosexual marriage. God’s law says marriage is one man and one woman till death separates them, and that the sexually immoral shall not go to heaven (Gen 2:18-24; Eph 5:20-33). Man’s law says do not preach the gospel, but wait for others to ask you about it. God’s law says “go preach


Acts chapter two records the first conversions to Christ after His resurrection. Jesus earlier prayed for himself, his apostles and all believers (John 17), then his suffering and death followed as he had predicted, saying that “repentance and forgiveness of sins” would be preached to all nations beginning in Jerusalem (Lk 24:46-48). All arrows point