“Mr. Jennings: Can a person not be saved on an airplane or while driving down the interstate? I thought God was big enough to save, no matter what the circumstance. Thanks. Andy.” Your question has been asked by many others who believe salvation is by faith only. They deny baptism (immersion) is essential. Both faith
When kids get up to 10 or 15 years old they want their own guitar and drum. Now we see immature adults, often preachers and elders, who think they need a band to entice and entertain ‘the unchurched’ into worshiping God. From time to time we hear leaders in a congregation who announce their decision
The apostles used no gimmicks, prizes or promotions. They just “preached Christ and him crucified” (I Cor 2:2). It was 7 weeks after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. The 12 apostles were in Jerusalem when “suddenly there came from heaven a sound” that filled the house. They began to speak in other languages by
To testify: The boy came to his mother with a small splinter in his finger. She worked seriously over the little wound. Why? She said because it may become infected. It could spread and even cause death. The mind is like the body. Small wounds can set up infection. Sin is like that. It is
Church history is a vital part of the New Testament record. Acts 2 gives the beginning of the church when about 3,000 were baptized. The Lord added more daily as disciples continued in the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread and in prayers (vs 38-47). The number soon came to over 5,000. The Holy
IF Christ stood before you right now and said: “He that believes and is baptized shall be saved,” what would you do? He did say these exact words in Mark 16:16. Would you conclude baptism is essential to being saved? IF the Lord saves us without baptism, why did Peter say: “Repent and be baptized
Acts chapter two is considered to contain the most important sermon in all the Bible! Jesus had just been crucified and devout Jews from every nation were gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the day of Pentecost. God sent miracles to draw attention to Peter and the other apostles. Thousands heard them preaching in their own
“Baptize” is not an English word. It is a Greek word lifted out of the original Bible text and inserted into English Bibles. Other Greek words were translated into English. Their meanings in Greek were transferred into equivalents in English. Scholars did not translate this word; they transliterated instead. They spelled out the Greek word
God designed the worship of the church (John 16:13). We read that Christians assembling on the first day of the week to commune with Jesus in the Lord’s supper ( Acts 20:7, I Cor 11). Paul preached. The church in Corinth brought gifts of money on the first day of the week (I Cor 16:1-2).
Death is a separation. Last week, we observed that the death of an infant occurs when their body and spirit separate and its body returns to the dust (the grave) and the spirit returns to God in paradise. Scriptures were also shown that proves the age of innocence terminates when a young person reaches an