Tag: MEN


Faith is used in two ways in the Bible. First,it is subjective, something personal within us that we receive by hearing the Word of God (Rom 10:17). It is “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see;” without it “impossible to please God” (Heb 11:1, 6). Second, it


One of the most courageous men of all time was Stephen, the first Christian martyr. He was “full of grace and power.” Enemies of Christ opposed him but they “could not stand up against his wisdom or the Spirit by which he spoke.” They seized him and brought him before the high court. When he


When storms and hurricanes  are approaching, many warnings  of danger have gone out, but some  pay no attention or take a chance  and are killed. Jesus established His church.  He issued many warnings about  dangers of false teachers who  would lead, people astray: “Beware  of false prophets who come to you  in sheep’s clothing, but


“There was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father, ‘Give me my share.’ So he divided his property between them.” “Soon the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and squandered his wealth in wild living. After he spent everything, there was a


The prophet Hosea (750 BC) summed up the indictment against Israel in one word; “Whoredom.” Israel had done worse than adultery. As a harlot she had prostituted herself with Baal worship for hire (2:12-13). The people were without knowledge of God (4:6) and ignorant of His law (8:12). Hosea rebuked the people of Israel severely


“Do you love me more than these?” Jesus asked Peter this question. And He asks YOU the same question today. 1. Do you love the Lord more than your kinsmen? Are you willing to leave your family’s church or religion if it is not authorized in the Bible? Jesus said: “He who loves father or


In 1829 two men, Wilson and Porter,  were apprehended in Pennsylvania for  robbing the US mail. They were then  sentenced to death by hanging. Later,  President Jackson pardoned Wilson,  but strangely, he refused the pardon!  But can a condemned criminal refuse  a presidential pardon? The Supreme  Court ruled that a pardon is not  complete without


Paul warned early Christians that after  his departure a great apostasy would   come, a falling away from the truth of the   gospel. He told them this departure from   the truth would start within the church   leadership when men would “speak  perverse things, to draw away disciples  after them” (Acts 20:29-31). He called   them “grievous wolves”


If you want to meet someone at  a certain time and place, would you  need to specify other times and places  NOT to meet? For example: If James  wants to meet Mark in Colleyville at  8 a.m., he need not add, “Don’t meet me  in Bedford, Richland Hills, Grapevine,  Euless or Irving; and don’t meet


Bible history is divided into  3 ages: Patriarchal Age from Adam  to Moses, Mosaic Age from Moses  till the death of Christ, and Christian  Age from the cross till the end of  time. The Old Testament was written  about God’s dealing with man in the  times before Christ, history that we  are to learn “for