The old man Nicodemus was perplexed when Jesus told him he “must be born again!” He asked: how could he, being old, enter again into his mother’s womb and be born again??? Jesus explained to him in John 3:3-5 that this new birth is from above and that it is required to enter the kingdom
Every Person Living Or Dead Is In This Chart. Where Are You? Scriptures with brief explanation for the chart above. See corresponding numbers. 1. Innocence of Infants. Children are born into the world pure and innocent. They are “an heritage from Jehovah God” (Psalm 27:3-5). See Mt 18:10; Ezek 18:20; James 1:17. No infant baptism
After you resolve to cease your life of sin (repentance) you must then bury the old man of sin in baptism (immersion) and arise from the water to live a new life in Christ. Obeying The Gospel Romans 6:3-6 Death Burial Resurrection I CORINTHIANS 15:3-4
Jesus told Nicodemus, a teacher of the Jews, that to enter the kingdom of God he “must be born again!” How could this be possible? He asked how could he being old enter the second time into his mother’s womb to be born? Jesus explained the mystery: “Unless a man be born of the water
All Christians are promised the Holy Spirit to dwell in them as a gift from God. Miraculous gifts like speaking in tongues (languages not learned) and healing the sick were only given by “laying on of the apostles’ hands.” These powers obviously were not available after the twelve apostles died about 2,000 years ago (Acts
“Practice What You Preach,” they say, meaning we should do as we teach to others. One young preacher in his new ministry feared he would be run out of town. His older friend said: “Don’t let that bother you. Abraham Lincoln said he would not like it either, but for the honor of it!” The
Our merciful Father has given forceful warnings in all ages concerning dangers ahead. For the most part, warnings are ignored, resulting in disastrous consequences. There are always stubborn unbelievers who will not listen but refuse to evacuate and thousands have perished. We can trace Bible history in at least seven eras of how God has
“Oh My God” is an expression commonly heard among the worldly, those who make no effort to be God’s people. It is now heard in popular TV shows, heard so often it may be concluded the people have been coached to use the expression. God’s name and the name of Jesus must be held sacred
Jesus said, “What God has joined together, let man not separate” (Mt 19:6). The disciples said this is a hard saying because in their time, like in ours, divorce was common. Husband and wife are to “cleave” to one another like glue, through bad times and good times. Their joining together is like two streams
I became a part of the bride of Christ, being spiritually married to Him at age 11. I became part of His bride, His church (I Peter 2:9) when I was baptized, born again (of water and spirit, Jn 3:5; Acts 2:38). My joy and promise became to declare His love, to confess His holy