Satan uses wicked schemes to outwit, deceive and destroy us. He is “the god of this world,” our arch-enemy, ever “prowling like a lion” to gain advantage over us, to destroy us and bring us to punishment in hell (I Pet 5:8). Paul said: “We are not ignorant of his devices.” (2 Cor 2:11) We must be alert. We can sin by Commission, Omission, Disposition or Presumption.
1. Commission. We do wrong by committing sin. Look at David who committed adultery (Psa 106:6), Achan who coveted and stole (Josh 22:7), Barrabas who murdered (Mk 15:7), or those who commit sexual sins of fornication, adultery, homosexuality (I Cor 6:18; Rom 1:24).
2. Omission. We fail to do what is the right thing. We do not practice justice, mercy, kindness (Mt 23:23). We know to do good, but neglect to do it (Jam 4:17), are “wicked and slothful (Lk 12 47; Mt 25:22-23, 41-46).
3. Disposition. Our pride lifts us above others, but God looks on the heart ( I Sam 16:7). “All things are naked before Him” (Heb 4:15; Mt 5:27-28). We can be willfully ignorant (Jn 8:32), not humbling ourselves before God.
4. Presumption. We presume
our way is as good as God’s. Water in Lord’s Supper, by Mormons (I Cor 11:23-29; Mt 26:29). Mechanical instruments, clapping, whistling, stomping, dancing in Christian worship (Eph 5:19).
Plus 200 more things!
