We are facing a crucial election that may determine the fate of our nation. We have forgotten that men are moral and spiritual creatures, made in the image of God Almighty (Gen 1:26f). Our nation must recognize God’s Word, the Holy Bible, as the standard of truth and morality. In the Last Great Day, we shall all be judged by it (Rev 22:18-20). The church of Jesus Christ is “the foundation of the truth” (I Tim 3:15). When we cease giving a “thus saith the Lord” as the basis of right living, then the foundation of truth has been destroyed.
Daniel lived in one of the most heathen countries in the world, but he was prime minister under seven kings. Christians should know where each candidate for office stands morally and spiritually. Unless America repents and turns back to God, it will fail. If a nation persistently fails to honor God and His truth as revealed in the Bible, it has no better example of the end that awaits it than the record of the once great nation of Israel.
Our job as Christians is to courageously “speak the truth in love” (Eph 4:15) in the realm of religion as well as in the arenas of our social, economic and political relationships.
The United States of America will soon select its 45th president. That leader will take the helm of a nation that has grown increasingly hostile and intolerant of the very foundation upon which it was founded – Christian faith and Bible values.