Special Day
“And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them…” (Acts 20:7a).
Note the time: the first day of the week.
Note the purpose: to break bread (the Lord’s supper, I Cor 10:16-17; 11:17-34).
Sunday was quickly established as a meeting day for Christians, a day in which they partook of the Lord’s supper. And is it any wonder? This was the day of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead! The day when Jesus was declared to be the Son of God (Rom 1:4). The day when he met with his disciples. John not only tells about the Sunday resurrection day, but also another such meeting with his disciples on the very next Sunday (Jn 20:1, 19, 26). Sunday came to have such special significance that John referred to it as “the Lord’s day” (Rev 1:10).
That is not to say that Christians did not meet together at other times. They did. Even daily (Acts 2:46). But the first day of the week was special – a day when they “gathered together to break bread” (to keep the Lord’s supper). We read of their taking food together “day by day” with glad and generous hearts “in their homes.” In this context it hardly seems like the same kind of “breaking bread” we read about in Acts 2:42.
Will you be present this Lord’s day to break bread, to partake of the Lord’s supper with the saints?
Paper Pulpit book, 441 sermons $10 postpaid; 4 for $30.