Why does God allow suffering? People ask this sadly when pain, crime, war or other tragedies come. They ask, “Why does God, if He is all-powerful, loving and just, allow His world to be so full of hatred, injustice and sorrow? In the Bible, you will find that faithful God fearing people had the same
The Bible says we have access to the grace of God by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Read carefully Romans chapters 5 & 6. At just the right time, when we were powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for even a righteous man, but God demonstrated His love for
Adding to truth turns it into a lie. Many stern warnings are given in the bible about adding to or taking away from God’s word. Read some of thee solemn warnings in Rev 22:18-19, 1 Cor 4:6; 2 Tim 4:1-4. The true original Christian doctrine and worship is not difficult to understand. As we look
In America’s early days, sodomy was a crime punishable by dismemberment, as under Thomas Jefferson in 1832. All presidents from George Washington enforced moral laws as defined by God’s word, the Bible. They believed the nation could not survive if moral principles were abandoned: “A man shall … be joined to his wife.” Jesus quoted
Christ established His church in 33 AD, but soon some were beginning to depart from the faith (forbidding marriage, etc. I Tim 4:1-3). The form of church government was gradually changing by some men who desired preeminence in governing the churches, so they began regarding themselves as successors to the apostle Peter. They called themselves
DECEIVE and deceitful in its various forms appear139 times in your Bible. To deceive is to be false, to cause to believe an untruth. Satan,the enemy of God, is the great deceiver, the “father of lies.” He“transforms himself into an angel” (2 Cor 11: 14). One great deception of Satan to obscure the truth can
Every Person Living Or Dead Is In This Chart. Where Are You? Scriptures with brief explanation for the chart above. See corresponding numbers. 1. Innocence of Infants. Children are born into the world pure and innocent. They are “an heritage from Jehovah God” (Psalm 27:3-5). See Mt 18:10; Ezek 18:20; James 1:17. No infant baptism
THE BOOK OF ACTS is the record of Jesus’ last words being carried out: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believes and is baptized shall be saved” (Mark 16:15f). Acts records several cases of people becoming Christians. One is in chapter 16 where we find Paul preaching,
“That is just your interpretation,” she said after hearing me read a verse. Any idea that did not match her own was rejected as an unacceptable private opinion. The word “interpretation” is found in 2 Peter 1:20: “No prophecy of scripture is of private interpretation.” The New Testament writers expected their readers to understand what
It was God’s plan, not man’s, that certain things be joined together. “What God has joined together, let not man separate,” said the Son of God (Mt 19:3-9). We must not change God’s word (Jer 10:23; Isa 55:8-9). 1 MAN AND WOMAN. Marriage is God’s design, is permanent, separated only by death (Eph 5:22-33). Homosexuality