“Do you believe in visions?” She said she had visions from God, then asked if I believe we can receive visions today? My answer: Joseph Smith said he received a vision from God in 1830 resulting in the Mormon Church. Mary Baker Eddy said she received a vision from God; the result was the Christian
“We are not under law, but under grace!” This reflects a serious misunderstanding of both law and grace. It misrepresents the religious system we are under today, for some argue the Christian is not subject to sacred law, freeing him to make his own rules. Jude says this is a perversion of God’s truth (3,4).
When a woman marries, she accepts “the law of the husband” (Rom 7:2). This serious choice binds her under this law for life. Only at death is she freed. Only God, the designer of marriage, can define her obligation. She was created for man as his helper (Gen 2:21; I Cor 11:9). In consequence of
Millions have asked this question. The answer is in Romans 16:16. Jesus said, “Upon this rock I will build my church” (Mt 16: 18). Christ built His church when 3,000 became Christians and were added to it (Acts 2:38-47). The church of Christ was built upon the foundation of Jesus (I Cor 3:11). JESUS CHRIST
There are over 1400 commands from God in the Old Testament. When a specific command is given and obeyed, God blesses. When disobeyed, punishment follows. These are “written to teach us” (Rom. 15:4). 1. King Saul was commanded to kill the Amelekites and all they had (I Sam 15); he disobeyed and lost the kingdom.
Every responsible person will need forgiveness because “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). To forgive is to give up resentment and desire for revenge. To pardon is to free from punishment. God can both forgive and pardon upon acceptance of His divine plan. Alexander Pope wrote, “To err
Solomon said, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it” (Prov 22:6). A child can be trained to respond to directions in loving obedience. Parents mold the character in obedience by instruction and example. Hannah is a good example of a mother. She
Dr. James Dobson, family counselor, affirms that America is built on the family! Last week we looked at the husband. Now we look at Eph 5:22-24 to see what God wants the wife to be: “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ
Believing that Jesus was as a great person, or even that He was the son of God, is not enough to save us from our sins. Billy Graham was right when he said it takes more than this. He said “even the devil believes all these things about Jesus (James 2:19) – but that doesn’t
Churches of Christ (Rom 16:16) constitute the one “bride of Christ” (Eph 5:22-33). She wears His name. All people are required to obey the God of heaven in order to be saved. He then “adds” all these saved to His one church (Acts 2:36-47). Faithful preachers and teachers insist that all who would be saved