Our way of thinking is not God’s way (Isa 55:8-9). We must not assume a thing is of “little importance” to God just because we think it does not matter. Even Jesus did not do or say anything without the Father first giving Him authority (Jn 8:28). How much more cautious must we be when
Religious leaders arrested the apostles and told them not to preach in the name of Jesus, but God’s angel released them from the jail! When they got them out, they kept on preaching despite men’s orders. “We ought to obey God rather than men!” (Acts 5:27-29) It is required that Christians submit to the authority
There are two directions which can be taken: The road to restoration, or the road to apostasy. The road to restoration means a return to the narrow way, the faith of the New Testament church. The road to apostasy means to depart from the “faith once and for all entrusted to the saints” (Jude 3).
“I have fought the good fight,” wrote the apostle Paul (2 Timothy 4:7). There is no touch of egotism.The facts are overwhelmingly obvious.They could not possibly indicate any undue self-esteem on his part. Read the many accounts of his struggles in behalf of the gospel of Christ (2 Cor 11:16-32). This is not a mere
“By what authority are you doing these things?” The chief priests and elders asked Jesus this question (Mt 21:23-27). Jesus replied by asking them a question: “I will ask you one question … John’s baptism—where did it come from? Was it from heaven, or from men?” Since they could not answer Jesus, neither did He
“Do Not Go Beyond What Is Written” (I Cor 4:6). This command was written to the church in Corinth. They had trouble with division because some did not hold their teaching, their behavior, their worship to the “pattern of sound words” (2 Tim 1:13). Unity among Christians is only achieved and maintained by “speaking the
Go ahead, guess. 12 inches? 11 inches? 10? 13? You can’t know until you take a ruler and measure. Only by using the same ruler will all answers be the same. Let us apply this principle to religion, where all the answers are different. How does one become a Christian? How should we live? How
“Remember the days of old … ask thy father and he will show thee … when the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance” (Dt 32:7). Look back at the role of Christianity in the founding of our nation. We will discover shocking facts and truths that have been buried under the lies of
What God HAS said is important. Of equal importance is to respect what God HAS NOT said. Notice: Jeremiah 19:5-15 speaks of the children of Israel sinning by worshiping in ways “which I commanded not.” The prophet repeats their sin of Baal worship “which I commanded them not” (32:35). When God gave commands in the
Many things are commonly practiced among churches about which the New Testament says nothing: song books, microphones, pews, printing machines, P.A. systems, videos, etc. There is a realm of freedom for Christians to use modern conveniences. An expedient is “that which benefits or helps one in keeping specified instructions.” When God gives a command to