Jesus told Nicodemus, a teacher of the Jews, that to enter the kingdom of God he “must be born again!” How could this be possible? He asked how could he being old enter the second time into his mother’s womb to be born? Jesus explained the mystery: “Unless a man be born of the water
Authority has always rested with God and never with men. The prophets, apostles and other Bible spokesmen miraculously guided by God were simply spokesmen. God’s word has always been the final authority. The Bible is our guide, our only guide. Let us have a ‘thus saith the Lord’ for all that we do in our
Solomon describes the man who is evil in his lying speech and wicked schemes (Prov 6:16-19). Bible scholars Clarke, Driver, Coffman and others agree that the man who goes about “stirring up dissension among brethren” is perverted and totally out of line with reason. He is an evil person, a liar, murderer, haughty, a deviser
It is not our usual practice to speak on a NON-BIBLICAL subject. But Rapture is a word and a concept nowhere found in the Bible! It is one of the doctrines of men which Jesus said His disciples must avoid (Mt 15:2-3; Mk 7:3-15; Col 2:8; Gal 1:14). “Rapture” is part of another non-biblical doctrine
Last week we looked at how God used older men in His service. Today we consider older women. “Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good… to train the younger women to love their husbands
More people are living to advanced years than ever before. Some folks resent getting old, and others resent old people. In an age that worships the goddess of youth, we need divine guidance to develop proper attitudes toward our retirement years. Moses did his greatest work between ages 80 and 120. John wrote Revelation when
“Membership” is spoken of in Acts 2:47: “The Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.” The church in Jerusalem began when about 3,000 were “added” by the Lord. “They continued together in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in breaking of bread and prayers” (vs 41f). This act of adding Christians together
Look at all the Bible says on the ABC’s of today’s religions. As we look at the Bible description of the church Jesus built, it’s worship, etc., we are amazed at its simplicity as compared to churches of today. We are warned to “not go beyond what is written” (I Cor 4:6; Mt 15:3-9) and
A friend asked me to restore his prized British Red Telephone Box imported 25 years ago. There are two ways to restore: (1) the right way, and (2) the easy (wrong) way. The same is true in restoring old model cars or furniture. When you run out of money or patience, you start cutting corners
Conviction and commitment are scorned by postmodernists. To them nothing is so disgusting as the man who is unyielding in his faith, who “hates every false way” (Psa 119:104). The word “tolerance” is a key word for liberal politicians and liberal theologians. Tolerance is here defined as weakness or compromise. In other ways it is