The true doctrine of Jesus was “delivered once for all” in the first century (Jude 3). When scripture was completed by the apostles, it was perfect and was known as Christ’s last will and testament. It was “perfect” and any man who dared to change or add to it was “cursed” (Gal 1:6-10). This testament
Jim, a reader in Keller, sent us this question: “An Inmate on death row accepted Jesus, but his warden won’t allow a water baptism. Is his faith sufficient? He then gets executed for bis crimes.” In 1994 Jeffrey Dahmer, a serial killer, learned the way of salvation while in prison, but was murdered by an
There are hundreds of sects and denominations in our world. We have become so accustomed to divisions between believers in Christ that we excuse and allow them as though God did not regard them as gross rebellion against Himself and His kingdom. There is a difference between unity and union. UNITY is being one, where
“Sanctify them in thy truth; thy Word is truth” (Jesus, Jn 17:17). “I am the way, the truth and the life (Jn 14:6). Jesus told his disciples that the Holy Spirit would guide them into all truth {J n 16:13). There has been therefore no truth revealed since 100 AD when His last apostle died.
When Jesus died, there was made “a ‘change of the law.” We are no longer under the Old Testament law of Moses (Heb 7:12). Jesus was “the end of the law to them that believe,” having “nailed the old law to the cross” (Col 2:14-17; Eph 2:14-16; Rom 15:4). Anyone who fails to follow the