Tag: GOD


There is no dispute among those  who believe the Bible is God’s word  concerning the reality of the miracles  performed by Jesus and His disciples.  Hebrews 2:4 is one of many references.  Three words are used: “Dunamis”  meaning power; “Terata” shows the  impact of amazement and wonder, and  “Semeion” emphasizes purpose, result  or proof. The


If you want to meet someone at  a certain time and place, would you  need to specify other times and places  NOT to meet? For example: If James  wants to meet Mark in Colleyville at  8 a.m., he need not add, “Don’t meet me  in Bedford, Richland Hills, Grapevine,  Euless or Irving; and don’t meet


Believers in the Bible must decide:  (1) Does God permit everything which  He has not specifically condemned,  or (2) is all that He has not specifically  authorized forbidden? Silence limited in the Old Testament:  (1) Moses was commanded to kill a red  heifer; silence excluded ant or horse  (Num. 19:2). (2) Noah was commanded  to


Heroism is measured by sacrifice.  Some may remember Arland Williams  who lost his life while saving a woman  from an icy Potomac River crash,  Jan. 13, 1982. Or Eric Pienaar who  rescued a woman from the Hudson  River on Feb. 11, 2009. And now, the  rescue of Capt. Phillips from pirates. The greatest story ever


The Patriarchal age (4000 BC  to 1400′ BC); is sometimes called  the starlight age; the Mosaic age  (1400 BC to 33″ AD), the moonlight  age; and the Christian age (33 AD till  the end, the sunlight age) because  each period reveals increased  knowledge and revelation about God  and His will for mankind. , The, Christian


This week we shall review the  Mosaic period, 1400 BC till the death  of Christ in 33 AD. Moses received the Ten  Commandments on 2 tables of stone,  part of the law of God (the Law of  Moses) which he later wrote for Israel  in 5 books called the Pentateuch, the  first five books in


Bible history is divided into  3 ages: Patriarchal Age from Adam  to Moses, Mosaic Age from Moses  till the death of Christ, and Christian  Age from the cross till the end of  time. The Old Testament was written  about God’s dealing with man in the  times before Christ, history that we  are to learn “for


God wants certain things to be  done in certain ways. The church  was established in the first century  according to His eternal plan. The  “pattern” was perfect from the  mind of God, just as the pattern  for the tabernacle was perfect  (Hebrews 8:5) when given to  Moses. God also gave a pattern  to Noah to


Salvation is by faith (Jn 3:16  10:43; 16:31), but not by faith only  (James 2:24). “The demons believe,  and tremble” (Jas 2:19); “Many  believed… but did not confess him”  (Jn 12:42). Salvation is by repentance  (Ac 11:18), but not by this alone:  “If you do not believe (in Jesus) you  will die in your sins”


In an email a lady inquired about  the meaning of “shadow” in the Bible.  Col. 2:17 says: “These are a shadow of  the things to come; the reality however  is found in Christ.” The shadows were  the laws of Moses in the old testament  that were done away, such as observing  the 7th day Sabbath,