THE WORD OF God is “powerful and sharper than any two edged sword” (Heb 4:12). He spoke and the world and all things In It came Into existence, from the smallest creature to mankind to all planets of the universe!
GOD spoke directly to Adam In the garden. As history unfolds, He spoke to the patriarchs from Abraham to the prophets and Moses, In many ways: through dreams, visions, direct audible voice, still small voice, even through the mouth of a donkey! But at the end those days. He only spoke through His Son, Jesus Christ (Heb 1:1-2). His “perfect law of liberty” given through Christ and His apostles contains “all things necessary for life and godliness” and we are warned “not to go beyond” this final word revealed In the New Testament, nor to expect any additional message from God. This would rule out Mohammet 600 AD, Joseph Smith 1830 AD, and all claims of God’s words to any person for all time after Christ. READ James 1:25:1 Cor. 4:6; 2 Tim 3:16-17; Jude 3; Gal 1:6-9; Rev 22:18-19.