In an email a lady inquired about  the meaning of “shadow” in the Bible.  Col. 2:17 says: “These are a shadow of  the things to come; the reality however  is found in Christ.” The shadows were  the laws of Moses in the old testament  that were done away, such as observing  the 7th day Sabbath, circumcision, the  tabernacle worship, etc. The reality was  later to be found in Christ and His gospel  and church 1500 years later.

Moses was warned that all in the  Tabernacle was to be made exactly  “according to the pattern shown him on  the mountain” (Heb. 8:5). It was to typify  God’s true church in the New Testament  time: candles (representing God’s  new law), showbread (Lord’s Supper),  incense (the prayers), laver (baptism),  etc.

The church is the real thing. It also  is to follow the exact pattern God gave in  the New Testament for it. If we all obeyed  the pattern, there would only be ONE  CHURCH (I Cor. 12:13-20).

Do you have a question?  Ask for a free book on God’s true  church pattern in name, doctrine,  organization, worship.
