I took a package to the post office.  The clerk checked the zip code and  scales, then gave me the charge.  I took it then to the post office in  a neighboring town and was given  the same cost, then to a small rural  post office where the postmaster  gave the same answer. They did  not need to call for a conference  to give their interpretation on what  to charge. They all spoke the same  because they all followed one guide,  one authority.

As long as religious people follow  different church manuals, creeds,  catechisms, confessions of faith,  etc., that are published by various  denominational headquarters, they  will continue to be divided and give  different answers. It is like reading  the Bible with colored glasses on  our nose. One man has Martin  Luther on his nose, another has  the pope, and another, John Calvin  or Ellen G. White, etc. Why not  take the Bible alone and read it as  though it had dropped from God  Himself into our own hands? Only  then can we hope to have unity for  which Jesus prayed (John 17) and  for which Paul pleaded (Gal. 1:6-9;  I Cor. 1:10).
