How to live peaceably with each other:
1. Treat others like you want to be treated. Mt 7:12.
2. Turn the other cheek. Mt 5:39.
3. Overcome evil with good. Rom 12:21.
4. Give others the benefit of the doubt. Prov 18:17.
5. Do not jump to conclusions or make false assumptions. Mt 7:1. Ja 1:19.
6. Practice what you preach. I Tim 4:16.
7. Judge righteous judgments, not based on speculation. I Cor 2:15.
8. Practice loyalty and love one another. I Cor 13.
9. Go to an offender alone, then with another, then tell the church. Mt 18:15-18.
10. Forgive freely and pray fervently. Eph 4:32; I Thes 1:2-3.
11. Examine self before pointing fingers at others. 2 Cor 13:5.
12. Build up a brother and speak well of him. Eph 4:29; Ro 14:19; 15:1-3.
13. Speak the truth in love. Eph 4:15.
14. Be gentle and loving in confronting others who wrong you. Gal 6:1-2.
15. Examine yourself and pray often. 2 Cor 13:5; I Tim 4:16.
16. Speak the truth in love. Eph 4:15.
17. Keep your own life pure and unpolluted from sin. James 1:27.
18. Do not think more highly of yourself than you ought to. Rom 12:3.
19. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Rom 12:10.
20. Do not be proud or conceited. Rom 12:16.
21. Do not try to get even when wronged, but return good for evil. Rom 16:17.
22. Answer softly when confronted with wrath and hatred. Prov 15:1.
Gary Bodine and Alvin Jennings