pierce-my-earExodus 20 tells of God giving the Ten Commandments to Moses. In the first part of the chapter, regulations are given about owning Hebrew male slaves. No one was allowed to own a slave more than six years. If a slave had a wife and children before he was sold, they would also leave with him at the end of his service. However, if the master was good, the slave could choose to either to be a slave permanently or else to go free. If he chose to stay, the master pierced his ear with an awl as a sign of unending servitude (Ex 21:5-6). An awl was a sharp pointed tool used for making holes in leather or wood. Piercing involved a painful procedure to the slave.

In our country, slavery appears to have been almost always forced – rarely chosen. When we become Christians, we are called upon to be slaves for life: “But thanks be to God that…you were freed from sin, and you became slaves of righteousness!” (Rom 6:17-18) The choice is ours. Steve Croft’s new song tells the story:

1 “Pierce my ear, O Lord my God;
Take me to your door this day.
For I will serve no other god;
Lord I’m here to stay.”
2 “For you have paid the price for me;
With your blood you ransomed me.
Now I will serve you eternally;
Lord I’m here to stay.”

Chorus: Repeat first stanza.

Ask for song with music – free.

