It has been fourscore years, if the  Lord tarries until Sept. 3, since this  scribe was born. This is normal time for  man’s earthly pilgrimage (Psa 90:10).  By God’s grace, like Moses, “his eyes  are not weak nor his strength gone”  (Dt. 34:7). His years have surpassed  all his father’s known ancestors.  Faith in Christ was passed to him  through three generations, and now to  all 5 children and all 16 grandchildren  of responsible age, all having been  immersed for forgiveness of sins  and added to the body of Christ  (Acts 2:38-47). Ellen became his  Canadian bride and faithful companion  in 1955. He has spent 60 years in  full time ministry, 14 in missions and  46 in gospel writing and publishing.  He has engaged in public debates with  JWs and a Mormon president, in radio  preaching in Canada and Vermont, and  has published Bibles and Bible related  books and booklets (free listing of  titles available).

Sharing the “truth in love” is his  passion and prayer, so every soul  might hear and obey the glorious  gospel of Jesus – and that Taper  might continue if God wills.  Your letters and support are  sincerely appreciated.
