“EASTER” is not a Bible term, and its observance as a special religious day did not come until hundreds of years later. The early disciples had the communion, Lords Supper, on the first day of every week (resurrection day) in memory of Christ’s blood and body given on the cross (Acts 20:7: I Cor 11:23-29).
The first day of every “week has always been associated with Christianity. It was the day Jesus arose from the dead, the day the Holy Spirit came, the day the gospel was first preached when 3,000 were baptized (immersed) for forgiveness of sins (Acts 2). After that memorable day of Pentecost, the disciples “continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine, in fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayer” (Acts 2:42). No other special day was observed
Paul warned against observance of “special days” (Gal. 4:10-11). In 1611 the word “pascha” was translated 28 times as Passover (a Jewish holy day) and only one time as Easter. Since Easteris of pagan origin, its observance date is unknown (Mosheim History, p 135-6). Informed Christians do not observe pagan “Easter.”