God designed the worship of the church (John 16:13). We read that Christians assembling on the first day of the week to commune with Jesus in the Lord’s supper ( Acts 20:7, I Cor 11). Paul preached. The church in Corinth brought gifts of money on the first day of the week (I Cor 16:1-2). At Ephesus the Christians were told to sing spiritual songs and make melody in their hearts (Eph 5:19), called acappella, meaning in the manner of the chapel – with no instruments. They also prayed (Acts 2:42). These
five acts of worship were common in all congregations while under the inspired apostles.
There are also five steps to salvation – also as old as the apostles. All who read the New Testament with an open mind see that they must hear the gospel, believe in Christ, repent of their past sins, confess Christ and be buried with Him in baptism for forgiveness of their sins.
In the foggy confusion of denominationalism in the 19th century, men followed John Calvin, Martin Luther, John Wesley, the pope, Joseph Smith, etc., with their Creeds, Catechisms, Book of Mormon, etc. Jesus said these doctrines of men nullify the word of God (Matthew 15:2-6; Mark 7:3-13; Gal. 1:6-9; I Peter 1:18).
Count these 5 on your fingers!
Free book: Traditions of Men Vs. the Word of God, by Alvin Jennings.
