Tag: GOD


In today’s world, the politically correct thing is to either keep quiet, or to agree to disagree. But what about God’s Holy Word? Should we not be bold and not ashamed when our Bibles plainly speak the truth? We all want to go to heaven. Paul wrote, “I am not ashamed of the gospel for


Hebrews 11 is the Holy Spirit’s “Hall of Fame.” Righteous deeds of many are given of whom “the world was not worthy” (vs 38). About forty are named, and there are many more. 603,550 men defied and divided by faith from Pharaoh and walked across the Red Sea on dry ground! Moses, their leader, was


“Oh My God” is an expression commonly heard among the worldly, those who make no effort to be God’s people. It is now heard in popular TV shows, heard so often it may be concluded the people have been coached to use the expression. God’s name and the name of Jesus must be held sacred


GPS (Global Positional System) is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location information anywhere on earth (Wikipedia definition). It is free to everyone provided by the U.S. Government, offering amazingly accurate information to the traveler who has the proper receiving instrument. There is another system that provides accurate and amazing information anywhere on earth


Ben Franklin said: “As we must account for every idle word, so must we for every idle silence.” He was saying: it is a sin to remain silent when we should speak. We must be courageous in all circumstances, whether among friends or foes of the truth (Rom 10:9). Stephen’s face shone like an angel’s


Jesus said, “What God has joined together, let man not separate” (Mt 19:6). The disciples said this is a hard saying because in their time, like in ours, divorce was common. Husband and wife are to “cleave” to one another like glue, through bad times and good times. Their joining together is like two streams


If you profess to be a Christian, are you planning to sleep in, play golf, go for a ride or go fishing today? Or will you go to worship? The Bible says the Christian always sins in some ways if his neglect is willful. He usually sins in many ways as a result of failure


Jesus preached the gospel at the beginning of His ministry. The kingdom of God was near (Mk1:14-15). He later said the kingdom would come during their lifetime (Mk 9:1). The kingdom and the church are the same in the Bible. It was not then and is not now a denomination (something larger than a local


Every person “is tempted …by his own evil desire” (James 1:14). Satan’s desire is that the temptation will lead you to commit sin. We must not accuse or blame God or any person for tempting us (James 1:11). Adam tried to put the blame on God and on his wife Eve (Gen 3:12). Temptation and


“Learn to co-exist… don’t hate the people who live a different way or who believe that another way is right for them. Quit trying to control others…” This Facebook writer represents the way of the world: “Let me live the way I want. Don’t bother me.” Perhaps this is your own granddaughter or grandson? The