The man of God is given all he needs in “every good work” of his ministry (2 Tim 3:15-17). Paul wrote that Christians with the scriptures are “complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another” (Rom 15:14).
About 40 years ago, Jay Adams wrote a book (Competent to Counsel) based on this verse. He changed the word “instruct” (NIV) or “admonish”
(KJV, ASV) to “counsel” as was rendered by Charles Williams’ translation (1963). In all the 15 translations in my possession, only Williams renders the Greek word
as “counsel.” Adams’ book
marked the beginning of what is now called the Christian Counseling Movement, a system of charging a fee for giving advice. Now professional counselors charge hefty fees for their christian counseling in which these experts give counsel to counselees in their procedures of psychotherapy. These unbiblical terms have become powerful professional symbols today.
Yes, Christians minister, teach,
advise, encourage, admonish,
exhort, edify and nurture one another. The Bible calls this
process ministering, teaching, advising, caring, admonishing, helping and correcting.
The personal care of souls is described in hundreds of scriptures that we will gladly send to you upon request. Look for a competent person in your local church who
can minister to your mental, emotional and faith needs. Trust in God who has promised to help
you through your struggles in life.
