DECEIVE and deceitful in its various forms appear139 times in your Bible. To deceive is to be false, to cause to believe an untruth. Satan,the enemy of God, is the great deceiver, the “father of lies.” He“transforms himself into an angel” (2 Cor 11: 14). One great deception of Satan to obscure the truth can
Millions have asked this question. The answer is in Romans 16:16. Jesus said, “Upon this rock I will build my church” (Mt 16: 18). Christ built His church when 3,000 became Christians and were added to it (Acts 2:38-47). The church of Christ was built upon the foundation of Jesus (I Cor 3:11). JESUS CHRIST
Our Catholic friends call us Protestant because we protest against much of their teaching, just as they protest against much of ours. I am neither Protestant nor Catholic, for neither is found in nor authorized by the Bible. I am only a Christian. But I do believe everyone should have the right to worship as
Churches of Christ throughout the world are pleading for the restoration of the original Christianity of the New Testament. The word restore means “to bring back to or put back into a former or original state” (Webster). We aim to put back into its original state the church of Jesus Christ. Through the years there