Tag: GOD


Stubbornness is unyielding refusal to change one’s mind or course of action. In the Bible this word described rebellion against God and His Word. It can describe the gluttonous and disobedient son who rebels at his father’s command (Dt 21:18-21; 9:27). It can also be a complete rejection of God in turning to “iniquity and


If you are an older Christian, you may remember that old time preaching was mostly from the King James Version of the Bible, translated in 1611. One of the principle duties of the preacher was to read the Bible and then give definitions of words that were no longer familiar. One such word is steward


HAPPINESS 1 When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on the mountain and sat down. His followers came to him. 2 This is what he started teaching them: 3 “The people who are broken in spirit are happy, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. 4 “The people who are sad now will


David was grief stricken as he remembered his sin with Bathsheba. He cried out to God: “Have mercy upon me, O God … blot out my transgressions … wash me … cleanse me … my sin is ever before me!” (Psalm 51:1-3) We know God forgives sin, but does He actually forget our sin, completely


King Ahab reigned in Israel from 876 to 854 BC. He defied God’s prophet Elijah, calling him the great “Troubler of Israel!” Elijah answered, “I have not made trouble for Israel, but you have. You have abandoned the Lord’s commands.” Elijah challenged wicked Ahab and his 400 prophets of Baal to meet him on Mount


Can we understand the Bible? Yes, some things are more difficult to understand than others (II Peter 3:16). But someone has said, “It is not the part of the Bible that I do not understand that bothers me, but the part that is so plain I cannot misunderstand!” In Acts chapter 8 we read about


No one knows who wrote the book of Job … but God is its Author. It is referred to in James 5:11 and is quoted in I Cor 3:19. It is a true history of prosperity, piety, affliction and patience, written before Moses gave the law. Several great questions arise in this book. 1. Is


“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten by God” (Lk 12:6). Sometimes a man’s fare is not cake, but “the bread of affliction” (2 Cor 4:17). In such hours it is well to remember the constant concern a loving Father has for His own. Think of it!


I have just completed writing a book: All The Commands of the Old Testament (SIBI, $10). God gave these 2,000+ commands to His people. Most of these commands apply only to the children of Israel, from Moses until Christ’s death on the cross. Christians today are instructed to read the old law of Moses for


Unless you know Greek you will not recognize this title: amartia (hamartia). It means to “miss the mark,” translated in English Bibles as “SIN.” Romans 6:23 says “all have sinned.” We have all “missed the mark.” The scriptures of the Holy Bible give us words of truth from God: “Thy word is truth” (Jn 4:24).