Jesus said a man must be honest and good in order to produce fruit in His kingdom (Luke 8:15). The seed of the gospel must find lodging in this kind of soil or it cannot bear fruit for God. If any man or any preacher is not totally honest, he can never make a good


God said, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways” (Isaiah 55:8-9). The way Israel worshipped God was detestable: “I did not command or mention, nor did it enter my mind” (Jer. 19:5). This same principle is also stated in the New Testament: “Do not go beyond what is written” (I


Are you a “conservative” or a “liberal” Christian? I will give you my definition and would welcome yours. My aim is to be as liberal as I CAN be, and as conservative as I HAVE to be. Where the Bible has not given specific instructions, I want to have all the liberty in following whatever


Each day many people are told by well-meaning individuals to say a sinner’s prayer in order to receive salvation. BUT, such a prayer is not in the Bible at all! While God gives only one plan of salvation, to pray for salvation is not in the Bible. There is no scripture that says we can


Colt McCoy, star UT quarterback, told about his teammates asking how to receive the Holy Spirit and why he thinks baptism is important. He phoned his grandparents ahead of time to pray for him and the 15 guys that agreed to meet at 8 pm in the athletes’ lounge. About 10 pm the phone rang


Faith, Hope and Love are the most permanent things in life and LOVE is the greatest (I Cor 13:13). Sin is prevalent in this world, but love has the power to cancel and cover it: “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins” (I Peter 4:8). What is known


“Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves” (2 Cor 13:5, NIV). Have you ever asked yourself, “Why am I a Lutheran?” A Baptist? A Catholic? Usually people answer, “Because that is what my parents were.” We are commanded to test ourselves: are we “In the faith?” This is a term


The Salvation Army is very visible at this time of year. Many are asking, “Just who are they?” If you look in the Bible you will not find it. It did not exist until William Booth formed it in London in 1878. In 1899 its charter was issued in New York as “a religious and


Fornication occurs when an unmarried man and an unmarried woman engage in sexual intercourse. Adultery is when a married man and a married woman have sexual intercourse but they are not married to each other. If an unmarried person has intercourse with someone who is married, the first commits fornication, the second, adultery. God said:


In the Old Testament the sacrificial fire “came forth from Jehovah.” This altar fire was ignited by God and was to continuously burn (Lev 6:12-13). For 40 years wherever the tabernacle was moved in the desert wanderings, worship was offered in sacrifices by this divine fire. When two priests, sons of the high priest, offered