This story is in the History Of The Denton County Baptist Association, furnished by the SW Baptist Theological Library in Fort Worth. The young pastor at Pilot Point was asked to apologize during his pastorate at Pilot Point, Texas. He had gone fishing with a man who was not a Christian, so availed himself of


We are facing a crucial election that may determine the fate of our nation. We have forgotten that men are moral and spiritual creatures, made in the image of God Almighty (Gen 1:26f). Our nation must recognize God’s Word, the Holy Bible, as the standard of truth and morality. In the Last Great Day, we


Every word of Scripture is inspired of God, the product of His breath, and is absolutely true and “useful for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness.” The man of God is thus “furnished completely unto every good work” (2 Tim 3:16-17). As an example, look at the little word “TILL” or “UNTIL” which always


All children are born sinless (Ez 18:19-20). They do not and cannot inherit sin from anyone else. It is the soul that actually sins who is separated from God – called spiritual death. Jesus confirmed a child’s innocence when He called for little children to come to Him and said: “of such is the kingdom


Here are three important numbers: 9-3-1929, 6-12-1941 and 1-1-1955. The first is the date of my natural birth. The second is the date I was “born again of the water and the spirit” (Jn 3:5). The third is the date of my promises in marriage. These vital statistics mark the most significant dates to remember


“Baptist” (“Baptizer”) in the Bible was the occupation of “John The Baptizer” (the immerser). His parents were Elizabeth and Zacharias. He was destined to be great. “Many shall rejoice at his birth. For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord” (Lk 1:14-16). He “remained in the deserts till the day of his


The nature of man is threefold: body, soul and spirit (I Thes 5:23). BODY. The Greek word is soma. This refers to man’s physical existence (Mt 6:22-23; Jas 3:6). Jesus had a physical body (Heb 10:5; Lk 24:39). God will give us a glorified body in the resurrection (I Cor 15:38,53). The body is distinguished


History records the time and place of the beginning of the various denominations. We are not particularly interested in these, for Jesus said: “Every plant which my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up” (Mt 15:13). Jesus said, “I will build my church” (Mt 16:18). We can identify His church by its date


“Do not remove the ancient landmark which your fathers have set” (Prov 22:28). We live in a world of changes and additions in our struggle for progress. All around we see discarded systems that failed. We fail to consider that no fundamental principle has ever changed. The law that makes 2+2=4 existed before the science


The word in the title is in your Bible, but it is not translated from the original language. All other words are translated into English so their meanings in the original language (Greek) could be understood in our language. But the Greek word baptizo was not translated! The scholars stepped aside from their assigned work