Tag: GOD


CAN NO MAN TAME I have found over 50 ways we can be condemned by our tongue (Mt 12:37). Can you send us more in your Bible? 1 Too much talking about what “I think” (Prov 18:2). 2 Our own contradictory words (Prov 18:7). 3 Gossip sinks deep and hurts hearts (Prov 18:8; 25:9). 4


Quite early in Jesus’ ministry a conversation He did hold With Nicodemus who needed instruction, though quite old. He could never see the kingdom of God – its that plain Unless he “of the water and the spirit” be born again. John 3:3-5 Last words of a man are often thought of great significance Especially


“We are shopping for a church,” he said when I invited him to worship. With hundreds in Fort Worth, he could “shop” the rest of his life! If anyone is looking for the church Jesus built (Mt 16:18), note these identifying marks. NAME. See Rom 16:16: “The churches of Christ send greetings.” He bought it


“Come to me … for I AM GENTLE AND HUMBLE in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Jesus promised the kingdom of heaven to those who are “poor in spirit” (Mt 5:3). Have you struggled with trying to become more gentle, more humble, more poor in spirit? Is Jesus saying we should


There are three families: Natural, Spiritual and Eternal. NATURAL FAMILY. First there is the planting of the seed of man, followed by the birth of a baby from the womb of woman. This is only a temporary dwelling with sickness, health, joy and sadness. The time here is short like a “vapor that appears for


“Filthy lucre” is money, but not all money is filthy. The KJV and ASV use this term five times. Other Bible versions translate this “unlawful gain.” Elders in the church must not be “lovers of money” [“filthy lucre,” KJV, I Tim 3:3]. Money is morally neutral, neither good nor bad in itself. There are three


What happens when a sincere searcher for the truth puts family and religious perceptions aside and takes a careful look at the New Testament record of the church which Christ built? How does His church compare to the newer institutions we see on every corner today? TABLE OF CONTENTS I Christ’s Church Defined A. The


The Book of Hosea is a love story that went wrong, labeled as “the prophet of sorrowful heart.” This grand treatise is a tender section of Scripture that ought to challenge and enrich our hearts. Hosea wept over Israel’s sins 7 centuries before Christ, but the errors of God’s people then parallel our problems today.


The Pharisee sect of the Jewish religion loved to make public displays of their righteousness. They wore long flowing robes, tassels, tinkling bells, prominently displayed phylacteries (prayer boxes), etc. Their religion was based on hundreds of their own religious laws (traditions). Jesus strongly denounced their hypocrisy (Matthew 23, Mark 7 and Luke 11). Their pride kept them from accepting Jesus. They thanked God they were not like other men (Lk


While at Kentucky Fried Chicken for lunch I complimented their wonderful fried chicken! Surprise: The manager will never eat KFC’s specialty! Why? This family is vegetarian, being Hindu. These religions are vegetarian, some strict and others in varying degrees: Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Judaism, Catholicism, Baha’i, Seventh Day Advetism and more. Our focus in the Paper Pulpit is on what God says on the subject as it relates to believers in Jesus